How to Go on A Walk

Stop feeding on screens and worries. Move into wide open sky. Focus on shapes of nature. Inhale sweet fresh oxygen. Exhale the mind’s cobwebs. Notice a pile of flat stones. Think how they echo your blessings. Continue for longer than you should. Realize advancing time does not matter. Smile at …

My 5 Favorite Ways to Relax

It seems that America is a stressed nation. Most people who work 9 to 5’s take their work home and continue to work late into the night. And students are overwhelmed with pressures, juggling homework, extracurriculars, social life, and jobs. It’s becoming harder and harder to detach from everything because we …

Why I Can Walk

The tendon in my knee isn’t mine. I don’t know whose it is or what life the person who gave it to me lived. But it’s why I am able to walk, hike, travel, do yoga, and workout. I dislocated my kneecap about a year ago while I was working …

5 Quotes To Inspire Creativity

Creativity is elusive. It’s discussed everyday, but coming up with original ideas can seem difficult. Creativity is one of the 4 C’s of an authentic life (care, creativity, connection, and courage) and we should incorporate it into our lives everyday. But many people don’t even know where to start. So …

The Magic of Globes

Bumi, mundo, món, بسیطة, दिुनया, erde, monde, 世界. Indonesian, Spanish, Catalan, Arabic, Hindi, German, French, Chinese. Seven languages and one meaning: WORLD. A term used to indicate the spherical orb we call home. We can thank the ancient Greeks for our current representation of the earth. Before their time, humanity …