I have felt the soul-stirring.
I have heard from God’s lips.
He is more than tradition,
More than a fading script.
I have known Holy Fire.
I have tasted His hope.
He is more than a story,
More than a trope
I have watched His True Power.
I have seen waves of grace.
He is more than religion,
More than class, more than race.
But you must understand,
There is only one way.
God’s Son visited us,
All of our crimes to pay.
I was dirty, downtrodden
I was covered in sin
Till he brought me to light
Now I’m not who I’ve been.
I am God’s own daughter.
I am Jesus’s friend.
And a Spirit lives in me
Who speaks truth to the end.
And the Joy that I have
You can have too!
Accept His invitation.
My God’s grace be with you.