Digital Souls

Pondering a reputation, Incessantly haunting our minds, A broadcast of hearts clamoring For acceptance, Our worth resting on a shaky symbol. Mysteries are fading away. Desperate to conform to magazines We present our filtered lives. “I don’t care” is the national anthem. But inside, we feel the stab of judgement …


I want to dance with Orion, But I’m pinned to the ground. I want to soar with the eagles. I want to sing the wind’s sound.   I ache to move with the moonlight, But the sun blinds my eyes. I ache to waltz with Perseus. I ache to breath …

How to Go on A Walk

Stop feeding on screens and worries. Move into wide open sky. Focus on shapes of nature. Inhale sweet fresh oxygen. Exhale the mind’s cobwebs. Notice a pile of flat stones. Think how they echo your blessings. Continue for longer than you should. Realize advancing time does not matter. Smile at …

Why I Can Walk

The tendon in my knee isn’t mine. I don’t know whose it is or what life the person who gave it to me lived. But it’s why I am able to walk, hike, travel, do yoga, and workout. I dislocated my kneecap about a year ago while I was working …