When I’m asleep, I might as well be dead.

It seems that even when I set three alarm clocks, not one goes off. My family swears they do, but I will never admit it. And the worst thing is, sometimes I get up out of sleep and turn off all my alarms, which I have responsibly placed on the other side of the room, and then go back to bed. I know, it’s bad.

Why do I have such a difficult time waking up? Probably because I have trouble getting to bed at a decent time of the night. And then in the morning I’m so exhausted that nothing seems more important than sleeping, no matter what my blaring alarm insists I do.

But I’ve decided that needs to change. I love getting up early. I love when I actually do get up when my alarm says I should. Then I have time to do a morning routine, which makes my entire day so much better.

April – Sleep & Routines

So I’ve decided to start a project for the month of April. My goal this next month is to sleep more, and keep up my morning and night routines. I’ll update you at the beginning of May on how it goes.

If you want to join me in my sleep and routines month, I’d be delighted! I thought that this post would be the perfect place to talk about my routines.

Why Routines?

I love doing them, and research shows that when you incorporate routines into your life, it allows you to free up your decision-making for more important things. The human brain only has a certain capability for making decisions before it gets overwhelmed and starts making bad ones. Routines can actually make your life more spontaneous by allowing you to make more interesting and useful decisions.

I don’t do them every morning and night, but when I do, they make me feel so amazing and refreshed! Here are my ideal morning and night routines. I hope you find inspiration for some of your own!

Good Morning!

  1. Wake Up at 5.
  2. Drink a big glass of water.
  3. Put in my contacts and brush my teeth.
  4. Do about 30 minutes of yoga.
  5. Wash my face, get dressed, and do my makeup and hair.
  6. Read my devotional and pray.
  7. Eat oatmeal and have coffee.
  8. Leave for school.

If I have enough time in the morning, I like to write my blog posts. I also listen to music all throughout my morning routine.

Time For Bed

  1. At 7:30, pack backpack, plug in my devices, pack lunch, fill up my water bottle, tidy my room, and set out my clothes.
  2. Take out my contacts, brush my teeth, wash my face, and change into my pjs.
  3. Plan the next day in my bullet journal.
  4. Fill out my line-a-day journal and gratitude in my bullet journal.
  5. Make myself a cup of tea.
  6. Read.
  7. Sleep!

If I have extra time before I go to bed, I’ll do some yoga or read for more time. I also sometimes turn on my essential oil diffuser. I always sleep with my himalayan salt lamp on. All these things help my body register that it is time to relax for the night. 

Let’s Go

Here I go on my month of sleep and routines. Expect an update at the start of May. Now I hope you’re inspired to revamp your routines and prioritize sleep during the month of April!


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