I’m in a season of change right now.

I just got my driver’s license, and I’m looking at colleges. I’m realizing that in a couple of years, I will move out and live on my own.

I could be scared, and I do have a little bit of that emotion. But most of all, I’m excited. I see new things as an opportunity to grow. Usually, when I approach change with a positive attitude and a beginner’s mind, things work out pretty well.

Honestly, what’s the use of worrying or being negative about things I can’t change?

When I resist change, it usually happens anyway, and my attitude just makes the transition worse. Maya Angelou said, “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” I try to apply this principle in my life everyday. It reminds me of the famous serenity prayer, about accepting what I cannot change, and changing what I can.

When I catch myself wasting my energy on worrying, I try to analyze the situation and see if I can channel that energy into something more productive. Often, there are things that I can change about my situation, but sometimes, I just have to accept what is. I will approach this time of transition with the courage to change and the care to just be.

You can water and fertilize a plant, but you can’t will it to grow.