It seems that America is a stressed nation. Most people who work 9 to 5’s take their work home and continue to work late into the night. And students are overwhelmed with pressures, juggling homework, extracurriculars, social life, and jobs. It’s becoming harder and harder to detach from everything because we have instant access to it through technology. So how do we deal with all this stuff that can become a catalyst for stress? Here are my 5 favorite ways:

1. Drink Herbal Tea

What could be more perfect about tea? It’s hot, good for you, and smells amazing. It’s basically water, so it’s also hydrating. I drink tea every night before I go to sleep. I mean, the possibilities are endless. Chamomile, mint, chai, rooibos, rose. (Yes, there is such a thing as rose tea and it’s the best.)

2. Read

If you know me, you know I’m all about reading. When you read, it takes you out of the world you’re in and into whatever you’re reading. It is also an action that you can’t do well while doing something else, so it forces you to focus on one thing. This is so important in this age of multitasking and constantly divided attention! You can learn so much from reading. This year, I have tried to read before bed every night. It takes my mind off my day and gives me an incentive to get to bed earlier, so I’ll have time to read!

3. Stretch

In the US, everybody wants to get ripped. Everybody wants to lose weight. Everybody wants to pump iron. But we often forget about one of the most important pieces of fitness. Stretching. What good are muscles if you can’t move them? I often do some yoga in the morning, which helps to stretch me out and get my body moving for the day. Stretching before you sleep is also great; it helps to relax your body and mind for a deep rest session.

4. Treat Yourself

When I need to destress, I have a little piece of dark chocolate. It is probably kind of good for you, kind of not. I don’t care. I’m just doing it for myself. And it doesn’t have to be chocolate, it could be a visit to the art museum, hiking, a day fishing, or whatever you like best. Just do something that you love so you can recharge your mental state.

5. Hygge

This is my favorite one! Hygge is a Danish word that loosely means ‘the art of coziness or hominess.’ Since Denmark is so dark most of the time, Danes had to come up with a way to compensate for that. And hygge was born. Hygge means lots of blankets and fuzzy socks and candles. Hygge is often achieved with family, friends, and good conversation. Get your hygge on, be cozy, and relax.


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