Most people have a way that they organize all the appointments they have and things they need to do. It might just be a phone calendar or maybe it’s a full-blown planner.

What is Bullet Journaling?

I recently went to a class about a planning system called bullet journaling and now it’s my favorite way to remember everything I have going in my life.

Bullet journals usually have a dot grid layout, which makes it easier to draw neat lines without ruining the look of the paper. I have a dot grid Moleskine notebook that I use for bullet journaling, and I love it!

In the bullet journaling system, there are different types of dots/bullets for different things. For tasks, a solid dot is used. For events and appointments, an open circle is used. If you finish a task, you cross it out with an x over the dot. If you want to cancel a task, note that you’ve scheduled it, or move it on to the next day, there are marks for those things also. And they are all able to be converted to an x.

Completely Customizable!

The best thing about a bullet journal is that you can change it to fit whatever your life is like. In mine, I included a gratitude journal, a line-a-day journal, a habit tracker, and a school to-do list. But you can add whatever works for you.

If you want to work out every day, or drink a certain amount of water daily, you can add a section for that. If you are cultivating a new hobby and want to make sure you stay consistent, you can add a section for that too! Basically anything you can think of is possible.

And no, this isn’t just for women and girls. I’ll admit that the majority of its users are, but the creator of the bullet journaling system is actually Ryder Carroll, a man. This is for everyone, folks!

You can add decorations like doodles, washi tape, stickers, color, fancy lettering etc. I do this when I have time. But it can also be utilitarian and straight-forward if you’re not into all the extras. This is your journal. Do whatever you want with it!

2 Thumbs and 2 Big Toes Up

I would recommend this system to everyone with this caution: Do what works for you! Don’t try to copy cute pictures on social media unless you want to. And if you do, go all out. Just make sure you don’t burn yourself out trying to copy someone else’s style.

You can find more info about bullet journaling here.

Happy Journaling.

Photos of My Journal!

Here are some photos of my journal for inspiration and ideas:











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