How to Go on A Walk

Stop feeding on screens and worries. Move into wide open sky. Focus on shapes of nature. Inhale sweet fresh oxygen. Exhale the mind’s cobwebs. Notice a pile of flat stones. Think how they echo your blessings. Continue for longer than you should. Realize advancing time does not matter. Smile at …

Why I Can Walk

The tendon in my knee isn’t mine. I don’t know whose it is or what life the person who gave it to me lived. But it’s why I am able to walk, hike, travel, do yoga, and workout. I dislocated my kneecap about a year ago while I was working …

The Magic of Globes

Bumi, mundo, món, بسیطة, दिुनया, erde, monde, 世界. Indonesian, Spanish, Catalan, Arabic, Hindi, German, French, Chinese. Seven languages and one meaning: WORLD. A term used to indicate the spherical orb we call home. We can thank the ancient Greeks for our current representation of the earth. Before their time, humanity …