My God

I have felt the soul-stirring. I have heard from God’s lips. He is more than tradition, More than a fading script. I have known Holy Fire. I have tasted His hope. He is more than a story, More than a trope I have watched His True Power. I have seen …


Perhaps nature is far too vast to know. Some say we’re destined for potted plants. Maybe we can’t scale the Sierras. We’re doomed to communion with ants.   But they don’t know that ants can heft boulders, And plants when they’re watered will grow Into pines, that inspire all around …


My mother’s father drove to his warden job at the maximum security prison. He drove there in a Volkswagen Beetle with a spare tire under a smiley-face cover.   My ears have never caught Papa yelling. Did that jail calm him? No, he quieted the cells. Mother said his voice was never …


My hands are sprouting vines. With every step they grow and move.   My eyes are azaleas. They bloom witheach tear.   My hair is sun. It glows and shoots its honey rays.   My legs are trunks of birch. They send roots into this place.   My lips beg …